
~Happy Valentine's Day~

I used Kit Caro Cuore by Alicia Mujica, it can be found Here
Also, the tube is by Alicia Mujica, it can be found Here
Template and animation were created by me. They can be found Here
DO NOT claim them as your own or alter the animation in any way!
Let's begin!


There are two templates in the supplies folder, they are the same template
but different formats...PSD and PSPImage. Chose the one you want to work with
Note: PSD formats can be use in PSP and Photoshop but PSPImage format can only
be used in PSP!

Dimension are 900 x 900 not to worry, the finished image will be resized when done.


Let's begin....

Open chosen template
"Shift+D" to duplicate the orginal, so you will always have it for something else.
Hide or delete the copyright layer. The background layer will be for another color
or pattern for stationery or web page. This is usually the last change made at the end.


Highlight "Rectangle" layer
Select "Magic Wand" tool
Select the gray fill inside the rectangle using below settings

Magic Wand Settings

Open "Paper 4c"
Resize 63%
Drag paper 4c over to template
Selections - Invert
Hit the "delete" on keyboard
Selections - Select None
Highlight rectangle layer
Magic Wand tool select "Stroke" around rectangle
Highlight paper 4c layer
Layers - New Raster Layer
Flood fill with color #8c0000
Adjust - Add/Remove Noise - Add Noise
Use setting below

Add Noise

Should look like below

Rectangle Box

Selections - Select None
Layers - Merge - Merge Down
Highlight - "Big Swirly Curls" layer
Selections - Select All - Float - Defloat
Layers - New Raster Layer
Flood Fill with color #788e39
Selections - Select All - Float - Defloat
Selections - Modify - Expand by 2
Effects - 3d Effect - Inner Bevel
Use setting below

Inner Bevel Settings

Selections - Select None
Highlight "Sm Swirly Curls"
Follow same steps as before
When finished should appear like below


Highlight "Flower Stems" layer
Selections - Select All - Float - Defloat
Layers - New Raster Layer
Flood Fill with color #455f00
Selections - Modify- Expand by 2
Effects - 3d Effect - Inner Bevel..same settings
Selections - Select None

Highlight "Flower 1" layer
NOTE: These flowers layers can be merged together
if wanting to use the same pattern or color but
in this tutorial I will be using different patterns
so I will only explain for the first one...then do
the same for the others
Magic Wand tool - change setting as follows
Mode: Add (Shift), Match Mode: Color, Tolerance: 10
Select each one of the petals
Open "Paper 5" - Resize 25%
Drag over to template...with "Move" tool position
where selection is and to your liking
Selections - Invert
Hit "Delete" on keyboard
Selelctions - Invert
Selections - Float
Effects - 3d Effect - CutOut
Offset, V-H (0), Attributes, Opacity (50) - Blur (8), Color #000000
Selections - Select None
Highlight "Flower 3" again
Magic Wand tool, same settings
Select the "Stroke" around the flower
Highlight - Raster 5 (the new layer for the pattern before)
Layers - New Raster Layer
Flood fill with color #4ea7b5
Adjust - Add/Remove Noise - Add Noise, same setting
Selections - Select None
Highlight - Flower 3 layer
Magic Wand - Select the "Bud" of the flower
Highlight layer that has pattern
Layers - New Raster Layer
Flood Fill with same color as before
Selections - Modify - Expand by 2
Effect - 3d Effect - Inner Bevel, change width to (31)
Adjust - Add/Remove Noise - Add Noise
Selections - Select None
Highlight the finished "Stroke" layer and merge down
Merge down one more time so that the stroke, bud, pattern are one layer

NOTE: Now finish the rest of your Flower's and Heart's
as I have done above to finish those parts of the template


Now that the flowers and hearts are finished
The "Squares", I am putting in image for the animation
these were found online...you can put what you want
in those square boxes to animate or to have as stills
Once the pictures are done do the borders just like
they were done on the flowers and hearts

Here is a preview of what has been done so far

Preview 3

Highlight the "Top" layer
Open tube "Valentina"
Image "Flip" Hortizonal
Image "Resize" 35% and Drag over to working image
Position like in the main image
Drop Shadow, Offset V(-2), H (-2), Attributes Opacity (45), Blur (3), color: Black
Check "Shadow on new layer"
Highlight the "Shadow" layer
Erase the bottom part of the shadow for the tube
Highlight the tube and merge down
Open element "Deco" resize 80%
Drag-Drop on working image..drag below tube
Position like in main image
Effects -3d Effect -Drop Shadow, same settings
Apply "Drop Shadow" to all the template elements
Highlight and Fill background layer with "White"
Open "Paper 1b" Resize 75% and Drag to working image
Layers - Load/Save Mask - Load Mask from Disk

Mask Setting

Merge the "Mask Group"
Using the "Pick" tool expand the mask out without
going outside of the image
Highlight top layer and add a new layer
Add copyright information
Open Hard Choices Title - Resize 15%
What image should look like before going into AS

Preview 4

Notice the layer's palette and names
I moved the big rectangle down some and
the "Swirly Curls", the top swirly curl
will need to be erase some where it will
cover the bottom pictue

Layer's Palette


~Let's Animate~

Open Animation Shop
Open "LBD_Cupids-BullsEye-021116.mng"
Delete first frame
Back in PSP - Close "Title" and "Border Element" layer's
On the top of the working image window right click and
Copy Merge
Back in Animation Shop right click in the workspace
Paste as New Animation
Using the "Duplicate" icon create 31 frames


Delete any unnecessary frames that will not be needed
Click on 1st frame
Edit - Select All
Do same for the BullsEye animaiton
Drag-Drop onto the tag animation
Position like in the image below

Animation Preview

Back in PSP - Layers - View - Invert
Making sure the "Title" and "Border" element are visible
Right click on top of the window copy merge
Back in Animation Shop - select "Propagate Paste" icon
Edit - Paste - Into Selected Frame
Position like in the main image
Animation - Frame Properties
Change from 10 to 2
Select 3rd Frame change frame properties to 25
Select last frame change frame properties to 100
Animation - Resize Animation 85%
View animation if all looks good SAVE!!


Hope you have enjoyed this tutorial and maybe learned something new, it has been fun!!
If you need help, email me at ladybydesign8@aol.com

Till next time

LadybyDesign 2015
All Rights Reserved
Designed and Maintained by LadybyDesign